How to Start a Blog on Facebook

Hello friends, in today’s article we are going to talk in detail about How to Start a Blog on Facebook. So friends read this article completely.

Facebook is the best platform to start a blog and it has 1 billion users per day. You can start a blog on Facebook very fast. It is not necessary and you should have any technical knowledge.

How to Start a Blog on Facebook

How to Start a Blog on Facebook
How to Start a Blog on Facebook

#1. Tap On Page

The first thing you have to do is go to Facebook. And click on the menu button in the top right corner of your Facebook profile then click on Pages.

#2. Enter your Page name

The first thing that comes to many people’s minds is that they should use their own name or company name in the name section of the page.

And you shouldn’t because there are a lot of people like that. Who doesn’t want their real names associated with content that may seem inappropriate or irrelevant in the future?

So it never hurts to set up a fan page for your brand instead of creating a profile. This is especially when you have no idea whether your blog is really interesting to people or not.

#3. Choose Category

How to Start a Blog on Facebook
How to Start a Blog on Facebook

In this step choose your category. If you create a page for health. And so you can select different categories in the health section as per your interest.

So you’ll access a wide variety of pages, including local businesses or places, companies, brands or products, artists, bands or public figures, and organizations, that you can set up for free.

If none of this is a good fit for your future blog, you can always click on the other type of link to set up a different type of page.

#4. Fill out Description Section

The details section is where it belongs. So where you can provide more details about your brand? And what value will you offer in the future?

And you should be very specific while describing your brand as this section should not be used to promote yourself by only mentioning.

keywords that can lead to better search engine rankings. This is where you should introduce yourself and describe what you have to offer.

#5. Click on the Create page

How to Start a Blog on Facebook
How to Start a Blog on Facebook

Fill in all the required fields which include the page name, category, and description section, and create a new page button at the bottom.

#6. Posting on Facebook

This is now the time to grab people’s attention by posting some great informative posts, images, and videos. And you can also.

publish your blog or website-related articles on Facebook pages for free, where many people have liked them. Even if it is not their own page.

How to Start a Blog on Facebook Video?


So, friends, I hope you must have liked this article of ours. I have told you in great detail about how to start a blog on Facebook, so friends thank you very much for visiting our article.

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